You would think engaging your fans on Facebook is easy. You post your updates on your company’s fan page wall – what can be easier? I mean, they see it, right? Well, that’s just it – not necessarily.

Take a look at the webinar I did recently on how to create your fan page (and why fan page and not a personal page or group) and what critical things to know before you create it; a lot of tips and tricks on how to have meaningful and sustained dialogue with your fans that you can put to action immediately (and yes, these tips really work – I tested them); and most importantly how to ensure your posts are visible in your fan’s NewsFeed (that’s right, not every update you post will be automatically visible to your fans!).

It turns out effective engaging with your fans is more of an art than a science.

Your feedback is welcome as well as your thoughts on this subject! Please leave a comment and let’s start the discussion…


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