facebook_iconAs the social media strategist responsible for social networking strategy for my company, I try to stay on top of the latest trends and developments in social networking landscape. I also happen to love data. I’ve been collecting data on Facebook usage, demographics, and growth for a while. Here is the list of the key stats I think every marketer should know about Facebook:

  • Over 470 million active users; 200M log in daily and spend average of 55 min on the site
  • Over 100M US users; on a good night American Idol averages 20M viewers (Facebook)
  • Average user has 130 friends and fans 2 pages a month (Facebook)
  • 65 million mobile users (Facebook)
  • Sharing has increased 500% within the last six months (Facebook)
  • 5,000,000,000 pieces of content are shared each week (Facebook)
  • Facebook serves 260,000,000,000 page views per month (Facebook)
  • 42% of users have household income above $75,000 (Nielsen)
  • 70% of audience is international (95 countries) and is translated in >100 languages (Facebook)
  • Facebook bypassed Google as a #1 most visited site in US in March’10 (Hitwise)
  • 65% of US Facebook users said they are more likely to buy a product based on a positive Facebook friend referral (eMarketer)
  • Users spend 7 hours/month on Facebook (Nielsen)
  • 44% of social sharing on the web is driven by Facebook (TechCrunch/Gigya)
  • 18-34 year-olds spend the most time on Facebook per week, at 8.5 hours out of 22.4 spent online (eMarketer)
  • Almost 65million Facebook users “Like” things daily (AllFacebook)
  • If Facebook would be a country it would be the 3rd largest in the world

Looking for additional data or cool visual charts? Hubspot recently consolidated some of the Facebook infographics and facts. Also take a look at http://www.checkfacebook.com for detailed global demographics.

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