“Hurry! Get me going on Facebook and Twitter. We have to get social, now!” How many times have you heard that from your company campaign teams or business units? I bet not once. Well, you are going about it all wrong.

According to the authors of “Brains on Fire”– my favorite marketing and social media read of the year – you need to start with the soul, not technology (humbly agree!). It is about igniting passionate movements, not executing short-term social campaigns ( agree, again!). How, do you ask, one can do that? Take a look at my 4-page recap of the book and find the answers you are looking for. Or better yet, read the whole book and the amazing stories weaved throughout. It is a quick, entertaining and highly engaging read. You won’t be sorry.

Your ultimate goal should be to ignite something so powerful that if your marketing and PR  departments or, God forbid, even your entire company got hit by a bus your fans would pick up the banner and march forward with it.

“Brains on Fire” – How to Build Movements, Not Campaigns

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