Amazing-Things-Will-HappenOk, so I did borrow the title of this post from C.C. Chapman. But who wouldn’t? It is a great title. We are all looking for amazing things to happen in our lives and in his book “Amazing Things Will Happen” C.C. gives us the lessons learned throughout his life on achieving that state of happiness. Whether you are a student, a parent, or a business owner, these lessons are applicable to every single one of us. This book was a great reminder for me to start the new year right and remember what matters.

Here are just some pearls of wisdom from his book that will help you live your life to the fullest:

  • To be a better person you should never stop experiencing and learning new things.
  • Amazing things happen only if you work really hard. And they happen only if you are good to others.
  • It is more important to be happy with yourself than impress other people.
  • Never forget that the worst anyone can ever say is no. But you’ll never hear yes if you never ask.
  • Trust your gut.
  • When you need help, ask for it.
  • Just like throwing pebble into a pond, circles can grow and make other circles, but we are connected to groups of people. Some groups overlap; some are completely separate from other parts of our lives. But all are important.
  • Create bits of amazement with the talents you are given.
  • Focus on what you want to do. If what you want to do is simple yet satisfying, go for it.
  • You have to have confidence in the decisions you make. When you are confident in your ideas, the negativity and criticism won’t distract you from your goal.
  • Simplify. Focus. Attack. Break your goals into smaller steps. Stay focused. Stop waiting for permission of a sign – act now!
  • All people who achieve greatness have doubts. At some point they made excuses, but the difference is that they stopped making them and decided to take action. Next time you catch yourself saying “I can’t!” – stop.
  • No one who has obtained success and happiness wasn’t scared of the risk. Acknowledge it and then push forward.
  • If you can find a way to delegate or pay someone else for performing the tasks that you really hate, do it. Maintaining your sanity is more important.
  • No one can be successful solely on his or her own. Having inner circle of friends is vital.
  • Accept the fact that not everyone will share your opinions and beliefs.
  • Your most valuable asset is time. The only way you are ever going to get others to value your time is if you value it first.
  • The only way you are going to meet new people is by saying hello to a stranger.
  • Take the time to recognize even the smallest of victories. And be sure to celebrate those around you.
  • Never feed the trolls. They only have power if you pay attention to them.
  • To be truly happy and fully enjoy life, you need to slow down – not just once in a while, but regularly.
  • Never forget two of the most important words you can ever say: thank you.
  • The key factor is to realize that amazing things come only to those who work hard at making them happen!

Thank you for reading this post. If you enjoyed it, please send your thoughts to C.C.

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